Wings Over Willapa

Sep 22 2023 - 12:00pm to Sep 24 2023 - 5:00pm

This multi-day bird festival in one of the wealthiest bird destinations of North America happens in the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge and sites on Washington’s Long Beach Peninsula. 

Events include expert-led bird walks and classes ranging from beginning birding to bird-friendly landscaping. Other highlights include:

  • A guided tour to Long Island to an old-growth cedar grove.
  • A hands-on introduction to wildlife tracking.
  • A unique Nature Play Day on Saturday for children and families. 

Friday evening’s keynote speaker is expert birder Noah Strycker, an author and Speaker.  

An Online Auction will be live at 12:01 am September 18, running through 10 am on September 24 as a part of the events. 

$5 General festival registration

$35 Keynote Speaker Noah Stryker

FREE All Nature Play Day activities and Movies